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Evan Lee

A Brand New Archaic Blog

= Est. 2023 =

A Brand New Archaic Blog
= Est. 2023 by Evan Lee =

Brand New Archaic Blog
= Est. 2023 by Evan Lee =


The Gatepost

News Editor Portfolio

-News Team-

Left: Leighah Beausoleil

Right: Me

Gatepost office - Oct. 2019

As a Poli-Sci student, I took an interest in journalism as the fourth check on government, holding it accountable from the outside.

Following this, I went beyond my major to take an intro to journalism class led by Liz Banks - a news reporter herself. She further encouraged me to join the university’s student paper, The Gatepost.

I started out as an Op/Ed writer, submitting opinions on my studies, but was soon thrown into news. It was there I really began to hone my skills as a journalist, contributing to as many articles as I authored myself.

Although COVID-19 halted our print edition in the spring of 2020, we were proud to continue publishing online every week when many other student-run papers ceased altogether. As news editor at the time, I encouraged us to publish as many stories as possible about the campus-wide reaction to the pandemic for future reference.

The Gatepost recently moved to a new website, and many of my old articles are not yet hosted there. So I've republished a selection of my favorites here, including many of the lockdown articles that never made it to print.

News Articles

Framingham State University postpones commencement due to COVID-19

March 27, 2020 | News »

Students sign petition to change weekend parking policy

March 6, 2020 | News »

Metamorphosis: New changes to FSU's Dining Services

September 13, 2019 | News »
My first published news article

COVID Coverage: The Gatepost's unprinted, online-only editions

March to May 2020 | News »


Face masks sewn and donated in the hundreds by Framingham State volunteers

April 17, 2020 | Arts & Features »

Breaking boundaries by building blocks: The Uncensored Library in Minecraft

April 10, 2020 | Arts & Features »
Co-written with Leighah Beausoleil

Stop & Strike: A day with the people behind the picket line

April 26, 2019 | As an Op/Ed »
Published here in full for the first time


The ire of impeachment: Will moving to impeach Trump effect Democrats in November?

Feburary 14, 2020 | Op/Ed »

Big Textbook: McGraw Hill, Cengage seek to monopolize required course material

September 13, 2019 | Op/Ed »

Gateposters argue over Metric System in Op/Ed pages

April 12 to May 3, 2019 | Op/Ed »
A Debate | Opponent: Gordan Rupert

Counterpoint Columbus:
Hero or Villian?

My very first published work
October 19, 2018 | Op/Ed »


On The News Beat
News Wave Mix

December 31, 2022 | Alumni »